Please help us gather 2019 missional hours, as requested by the Anglican Diocese of Calgary from each Parish. The Anglican Diocese is actively encouraging its members to be missional (relevant and needed in our parish, community, and beyond)
The survey results will also help St. Michael Anglican Church determine an important benchmark to use as we are at the beginning of our 3 year Diocesan Grant with our Associate Priest, Seth Enriquez.
Important definitions:
Mission: any action taken by individuals or parish groups which helps communicate the Gospel of Christ.
Outreach: an aspect of mission, where (or you could use “in which”) individuals or the parish share the love of Christ in service to others.
Missional hours: the total number of hours that people associated with your parish, St. Michael’s, or programs and projects of your parish which contribute toward Mission and Outreach.
*it might include: outreach items like: serving at the food bank, making up and delivering Christmas baskets, visiting and leading services in nursing homes, hosting a community group for the sake of building community where there is none, doing a joint project with a school or community centre.
****this does not include: hours and effort put into maintaining the building or weekly worship services. (Greeting, folding bulletins, counting offering, leading/attending the weekly bible study or choir practice for example)
Mission Funding: As much as we would want to be doing all of this ourselves, often we lack the time or the talent. We do have an opportunity to join our resources with others to complete the task. Eg. PWRDF, World Vision, Food Bank, CAUSE Canada, or other charities. The amount we each give, and also can be a total amount that the parish donates as part of the budget (eg to the Crossways)
This survey may be answered on the following form which will go directly to Howard and Seth, and then Corporation so that we can compile the totals. You may answer the survey anonymously as we do not need to know who volunteered or provided monetary donations. Online submissions will not correlate email addresses to totals provided to Corporation. If you prefer, you may print the survey to submit.
Please submit your survey by Sunday, March 8, 2020.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
St. Michael Anglican Church Corporation
Follow the Link below.