The church is people, not buildings. But without our buildings, we couldn’t fulfill our important role in the community. Our 125th anniversary happened thanks to the work of the generations before us. Now it's our turn to start on the next 125 years.
After expert inspection, our 30-50 year old roof prooved to need serious consideration. Several options were presented: *replace the entire roof with cedar shakes *replace the entire roof with asphalt shingles * replace the church with cedar shakes & the hall asphalt shingles * repair the current damage with new cedar shakes, which may extend the life of the roof for 5 or even 10 years.
At the special meeting Friday April 26, we decided to replace the entire roof (church and hall) with fire-resistant treated cedar shakes, as soon as possible.
The estimated cost is $130,000.
If damage is found after the shingles are taken off, the cost could be higher.
A Fundraising Campaign to pay for the work will commence in June.
Great news: the first $65,000 donated or pledged to the capital program will be matched by an anonymous donor!
Presently our committee is applying for available grants to the town and a provincial program, seeking approval from The Anglican Diocese of Calgary who own all church buildings, arranging interim financing, and calling for bids from several reputable roofing companies.
We pray the work can be done this summer or early fall.
The roof is the most urgent and expensive capital expense we face. But buildings and fittings deteriorate and need to be repaired and finally replaced; roofs every 30 or 40 years, floors every few decades, furnaces every 10 years or so, kitchen appliances every 5-10 years. Parish council has begun to include an amount in the budget to start paying for all this, but more will be needed.
We're staying on top of things and will share more information as things develop.
Ron Lewis, Tony Teare and Martin Tweeddale for Parish Council